[Chair: You have 3 Minutes Mr Howerd]
"You, the Planners have written, written words, many words and read many forms my people have filled in. Its an honour for you to sit there listening to me telling you how much you, we and you are going to love this wonderful, wonderful development. Jobs. lots of jobs, many many jobs.
My people have had to lodge an appeal to exclude those of you who voted with your left hand from voting again. We love left handed people. Love them, they are great left handed people. Amazing left handed people. But its so important that voting isn't rigged by the left.
Its a momentous day for Plannerville, a fantastic day, fantastic day. This journey, which began at the beginning is now nearing the end of the beginning. Ive got the job of saying enough words now, here, today now, about doing the very many things, wonderful fantastic things that will make this big thing happen. Happen Biggly.
The statistics in all the reports that my wonderful consultants have prepared - have you met Jim the specialist consultant folks? He's the best consulting consultant money can buy, bought with more money than consultants, other peoples consultants. Great great consultants. - Where are you jim? Come on up and say a few words.
No? Jim? No... Shy aren't you Jim ? He's a great guy folks, tremendous guy - even when he's invoicing. Big big invoices ladies and gentlemen.
[Chairs Bell - ding: 30 secs Mr Howerd]
The Statistics. But bells are wonderful aren't they?, this development will deliver you bigger, larger better bells, bells and whistles, wonderful, great big whistles. Stay on point they say, dont ramble Ezer my people say.
[Ding Thank you Mr Howerd.]
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